Saturday, December 7, 2013

Outback, Asthma and Shock Top (Posted on 27 Nov 2013)

Tonight, I went to Outback (Pinole,CA) with my partner. We hadn’t been there in quite a while so we thought, why not. We were sat a booth and began looking at the menu. Suddenly I am hearing this kid in the booth behind me coughing and coughing and coughing. I began getting a little worried because I did not want to get sick. Me, being the not so subtle person, but think I am, kept looking back. Yeah, I know, I know.
The family behind us eventually leaves (err, after they finished their dinner of course) and shortly after they leave our waitress comes over to us and says that she wanted to apologize for the child coughing but the family had just found out today that the little girl has asthma. So the cough I though was the child being sick was actually her having asthma. Yeah, I felt like crap for my actions. But wait, it get worse. No, not the child’s illness, but how I would end up feeling.
The family felt really bad for their child coughing and possibly disturbing our time that they not only apologized (through the waitress) but gave the waitress cash to pay for our drinks. Yes, they offered to pay for our drinks. So to say the lest, I felt like complete shit.
I learned a lot tonight and one being, stop being so judgmental over one quick look or sound. Secondly,…hm, not sure what the second is, but I’m sure it will come to light soon.
To the family that paid for our drinks, thank you very much. Also to the family, I apologize for behaving badly. I was acting on fear (the fear of getting sick). Although I am thanking you here, I hope I get the chance to thank you in person, for not only the drinks, but more importantly for making me realize what a complete ass I can be.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Enemies of the Worst Kind

I don't consider myself a good person, but I do consider myself a loyal person and someone who has manners. I try to do my best towards others and expect the same back, but that doesn't always happen.

One things I can't stand is betrayal. I am not speaking of the betrayal of trust, for that's extremely important, but the betrayal of speaking with the enemy when you know that person is the enemy. If you are a true friend to me or my partner and someone has done you wrong, you can bet I will not be associating with that person in the same manner as I did before. Should the wrong doer ask me a question, not pertaining to the betrayed, I will answer, I will help, I will do whatever, but I will not share any information with that wrong doer. I will tell that wrong doer what my friend/partner is up to. That wrong doer will know nothing, because my loyalty sides with my friend and or partner. If you re aware that you significant other is currently in a dismantle relationship with another, do not fraternize with the enemy. By doing this, you are showing extreme disloyalty to your partner. You are not to be trusted!

I am faced with someone who feels its OK to mingle with the enemy because this person is unaware of the laws of not biting the hand that feeds you. If this said person would like to speak to the enemy that's fine. But when you begin telling the enemy things that is none of her business and you know..KNOW the one the enemy has betrayed would not appreciate that, then you, sir, have moved from the top of my good list to the bottom of my shit list!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Houston, We No Longer Have a Whitney - But We have Woodworks

Now that Ms. Houston has passed on, it seems people are coming out of the woodwork to give their thoughts on Ms. Houston's life, troubles and untimely passing. I, for one, am not one of them, because I've been voicing my opinion of Ms. Houston since day one, which was me not liking her. It wasn't until The Bodyguard came out did I begin to like Ms. Houston. When she married Bobby Brown, I know it was a train wreck waiting to happen. But all that's neither here not there right now. The purpose of this post is to express my thoughts, briefly on everyone coming out of the woodwork about Ms. Houston.

It never fails, when someone passes, those we have never heard of or heard from, want to say something, like they have inside information on the passing person's last years, months or days and sometimes even hours and minutes. There isn't anything we don't know about Ms. Houston they can tell us. We know her marriage to Brown was a joke and very troubling. We know she loved her daughter and we know she wanted to be back on top of her music game. The only thing we don't know and probably will never really know, is the extensive the abuse she endured because of Boxer Bobby Brown.

That's my two cents.

Grumpy All Over

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sharron Smalls, Jane Addams High School Principal, Under Fire For Facebook Picture

I knew someone in which every picture you saw of her, she had a drink in her hand at a bar. People don't think before they post things on Facebook.
A high school principal is facing harsh criticism after a revealing picture found on her Facebook page surfaced.

The photo showed Sharron Smalls, of New York's Jane Addams High School, next to a topless man as he pours a dark liquid substance over her. Students passed a copy of the photo around school last week.

Smalls is already under fire for allegations of credit padding. A New York City Department of Education probe is looking into whether she gave students credits for classes they didn't take.

"They put me in cosmetology because we don't have chemistry," 16-year-old senior Clarissa Williams told The New York Times.

The scandal has outraged students, many of whom may not graduate due to lack of credits.

Jane Addams High School received a an F grade from the city and is in danger of being shut down.

via Sharron Smalls, Jane Addams High School Principal, Under Fire For Facebook Picture.

via Sharron Smalls, Jane Addams High School Principal, Under Fire For Facebook Picture.

Woman 'tried to burn down house of long-time friend who defriended her on Facebook' | Mail Online

Facebook is causing people to do the dumbest things because of what's being said or people unfriending them. I think people need to build a bridge and get over it.

Sidenote: If I un-friend any you, please don't burn down my house.


A woman tried to burn down the house of a long-time friend who defriended her on Facebook, police say.

Christine Harris, 30, of Des Moines, Iowa, has been charged with
first-degree arson and is being held in the Polk County Jail.

Harris allegedly tried to torch the home of old friend Nikki Rasmussen while Nikki and her husband Jim were sleeping.

The fire broke out in a detached garage at 1am on October 27 at the Rasmussens' home, officials said.

The police report says the fire caused a popping sound which was followed by a 'boom.'

couple were woken up by sound and they managed to escape as the siding
on their house started melting from the heat of the fire in the garage.

The roof of the garage collapsed on the cars parked inside and other items stored there were ruined.

No one was injured in the blaze, but the garage was destroyed.

police asked Jim Rasmussen if anyone had a grudge against them he gave
them the name Jennifer 'Jen' Harris, reports.

via Woman 'tried to burn down house of long-time friend who defriended her on Facebook' | Mail Online.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Tom Otterness, in 1977, picked out a dog from a dog shelter and then killed it by shooting it. Not only did he shoot the dog, he filmed himself shooting the dog, and called the project art. HUH?

And now he is being rewarded ($750,000) by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency:

In June, the board of directors of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency approved a contract with Otterness for 59 bronze sculptures to fill three levels of the proposed subway’s Moscone station. An agency spokesman said the board was unaware of Otterness’ controversial past and relied on a recommendation from the Arts Commission. SF Examiner

I heard about this, (geez, do I dare call him a person) inhumane person from NPR (National Public Radio) and was appalled by his reward for an act done 34 years ago, and the question brought up was just that; the act was done 34 years ago, should he be forgiven for it now? NO! Another question posed was, does this act define his character? YES!!!!!!!!   He, being of sound mind and body, walked into a dog shelter, picked out a dog, and then shot it. HE PICKED OUT A DOG WITH THE SOLE PURPOSE OF SHOOTING IT!

Michael Vick was only sentenced 2 years (I believe) for his crimes of systematically killing dogs that loss fights (money) for him. When Michael Vick was given the position of quarterback for the Eagles I was appalled. Then I learned recently, that he was awarded a 100 million dollars contract. If that doesn't teach him that what he did was wrong, I don't know what will. COME ON PEOPLE! Now, this idiot (Otterness) is being rewarded $750,000.

I believe in giving everyone a second chance for we have all done wrong in the past, but I feel that when one deliberately kills a dog, there is no forgiveness nor no rewards to be given.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


This is Bo. He is approximately two years old and he ran away from home....literally. Its a long story, but he's in a good place now and gets more love than he knows what to do with. We are watching him until January and then he will go to his new owners. I am going to miss him so much when he goes to his new home, but will be able to visit him when I want and we will be cat-sitting more down the line or just have him over on weekends.

And in case you were wondering, we did not pose him this way. He did this on his own. I think I have a GQ model on my hands.